Are you ready to hear a story?

The Weaver Trilogy is coming to audio AT LAST! In just a few days, the entire series will be available for your listening pleasure, and I can’t wait!

My daughter is an avid audiobook listener, and she tells me Pam Turlow, the narrator of the Weaver books, has done a wonderful job. I’m so excited to offer this story in this format finally! It’s one of the most frequent requests I get from readers.

To celebrate the audio release, I’m doing a pre-order campaign for the entire month of July. So even if your audio purchase isn’t technically a pre-order, purchase at some point in July, submit your receipt to me, and you qualify for goodies. See details below! (Also… *whispers* Both the Peddler and Hunter audiobooks are majorly on sale right now. Snag them quickly!)

The Story Peddler
Annotated Chapters 1-2

The Story Raider
Annotated Chapters 1-2

The Story Hunter
Annotated Chapter 2
Tirian critters sticker
Set of four character cards (last chance to get Mor!)

On a more serious note, I’ve been touched by the recent unrest in the U.S. as a result of the murder of George Floyd back in May. So many issues are on my radar in ways they weren’t before. While I don’t know if I can ever feel exactly grateful when there’s conflict or strife, I am grateful for increased awareness. And for the ability I have to act on that awareness.

To that end, it was important to me that I include an awareness-boosting and money-donating component to this pre-order campaign.

SO. If you submit your pre-order receipt to me, not only will you get goodies, I will be donating $1 per book purchased to The Loveland Foundation. If you’ve read The Story Raider or The Story Hunter, you may know why I chose Loveland for this series. This foundation raises money for Black girls and women to receive therapy services, then connects those women with qualified therapists.

Black girls and women are, statistically, one of the most vulnerable populations when it comes to experiencing trauma of many varities (sexual trauma, domestic violence, etc.). If you know my story, if you know Diggy’s story, then you might understand why I’m a big believer in trauma therapy, and I want everyone to have access to it. I’m excited to support the work at The Loveland Foundation!

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